Posts Tagged ‘interior kyiv’
Endangered corals. Interior design of a bedroom apartment in Kyiv

Small residental interiors can also be unique. Disappearing Corals is a one-bedroom studio apartment that is embodied in minimalism, the method of smooth transits (typical ащк Aranchii Architects), decentralized computational accents and a reminder of the precarious balance of the Earth’s natural world at the same time.
(more…)Tween Coexistence

Tween Coexistence is a project of business park hall, absolutely white, that incorporates accurately defined functioning fluidity and provides form curvature expression by shadow transitions. The purpose of reception desk transforms into waiting zone, which, in turn, transmutes into the elevator hall.
Octopus Tentacles. Interior design Kyiv
Interior design of two-bedroom apartment in Kyiv, 69B Irpinska. Contemporary interior has a series of innovations by using methods of computational / parametric architecture, including the fact that for the first time in Ukrainian interior design practice we used 5-axis CNC milling machine for manufacturing panels with different curvature and bar counter for bottles of wine in apartment’s open space.
Magnetic Field. Flat Interior in Kyiv
Another parametric design apartment in Kyiv is closely related to the study of the phenomenon of electromagnetic fields that have shaped the image of apartment and inhaled fresh algorithmic design in it.