Milan Fashion Pavilion

The main objective of the Fashion Pavilion project was to create an object that carries not only aesthetic value but also serves as an indicator of a strong connection between architecture and clothing design. The result is not the architecture that quotes fashion design, but fashion that speaks unanimously with architecture and fashion design.
(more…)Ubiquitous Interactive Installation
ubIQuitos is a concept kinematic interactive installation. It is a 3d mirror for pedestrians and cars using kinematic and color changes to reflect local activities.
noMad. Architectural Behaviourial Modular System. AADRL
noMad project designed in AA DRL by Dmytro Aranchii, Paul Bart, Flavia Santos and Yuqiu Jiang during 16 month research 2013-2015. Work is based on modular robotic ideology and seeks for its appliance in architecture. noMad is the architectural behavioral assembly system that has attributes of autonomy, mobility, ability to communicate and make decisions. This research is not about one finite result but rather uncountable amount of variations, about approach how to create any space and adopt it to changing conditions without influence from outside and control by human.
AA DRL Cellular Automata Workshop. Computational Architecture
Computational / parametric architecture stays very close to contemporary theory of algorithms. We have already implemented cellular automata and particularly game of life in architectural project Fashion Design Museum in Kyiv, 2009. Current project designed within the Architectural Association (AADRL) was aimed to go deeply into cellular automata theory and practice and to define the strategies of control the self-organizing system and to find the directions of usage in architectural design. Implementation of the algorithm for space tessellated into truncated octahedrons instead of usual cubic voxels also became a contribution into cellular automata research.
AADRL Material Workshop. Volume. Computing Without Computers
AADRL material workshop [part of 2013-15 MArch course] was related to material tension/compression experimentations with lycra as an envelope and plaster as a filing substance resulting in natural minimal surfaces and volumes respectively. Specific agenda was directed towards volumetric modular structure creation, which hence had to be cast in one turn as a solid assembly.
Algorithmic Methods of Architectural Morphogenesis
Algorithmic / parametric architecture thesis was friendly met during defence as well as took 1st place at CIS MArch diploma competition-review in Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. Digital architecture and its methods are researched, classified and organised. Implementation based on author’s projects were shown.
Parametric Rhodonea curve and attractor
Parametric architecture has many faces of geometry. Thus the parametric curves implementation is not an exception. In 2011 Dmytro Aranchii started a research concerning interactive alteration of curve array’s form under the influence of point linear attractor. Program realization was made in Processing language and environment about a year ago. Presently algorithm is available for testing on our website. You can influence on input parameters of algorithm in real time via easy graphical user interface, causing change of curves’ form and defining its geometry and morphogenesis.